Sitemap - 2020 - The Social Life of Energy

The importance of asking good questions

Consensus and conflict in innovation

Making the energy transition happen during a pandemic

Energy for a decent life

The insistent materiality of the energy system

Change in an obdurate world. Interview with Tineke van der Schoor

Green recovery through renewable energy auctions?

Unpacking the household

What do we need citizens for anyway?

Transcript: What do we need citizens for anyway?

Inclusive energy transitions are about pace and choice

Full interview with Sylvia Breukers

How to make space by making a little time

The platformization of energy

Energy transitions in a systemically unequal world

Design anthropology: crafting the future of renewable energy

Full interview with Abhigyan Singh

Design anthropology: crafting the future of renewable energy

My recent attempts to filter the internet deluge for you

Thematic index of all SLE posts

What sustainable policies could help us face the consequences of Covid-19?

The bewildering mistakes in Planet of the Humans

Are smart cities sustainable cities?

What is our toolkit for sustainable and equitable energy?

Energiebeleid voor iedereen

Full interview with Mariëlle Feenstra

Intersectional energy policy

SLE Podcast!

Electric citizenship: the struggle for equitable energy infrastructure

Energy policy as if our house was on fire

Our future landscapes of no-carbon splendour

Pathways to sustainability, #GND style

What it means to take bold and imaginative climate action

The European Green Deal (II)

The European Green Deal (I)

How to make sure locals benefit from new energy infrastructure

Doing energy democracy - cooperatively

Full interview Thijs de Jong of Amsterdam Energie

Why you need a science of technology

Energy justice in smart grids

Full interview with Christine Milchram on energy justice in smart grids

We need more social science in the energy field